GCP Auditors, with our extensive experience in serving international clients, are here to  help you understand what Cyprus has to offer and give you every assistance in
establishing and operating your own International Business Company (IBC) in Cyprus.

Cyprus, a full member of the EU as from 1st May 2004, can offer you the lowest tax regime in Europe. As an already established international financial centre with a wide network of Double Tax Treaties, an excellent legal and economic infrastructure and numerous other advantages, Cyprus may well be the answer to your international tax planning requirements.

In simple terms, an IBC is a normal limited liability company which is used as a tool, legally, by corporations and individuals throughout the world to direct profits out of high tax countries into offshore jurisdictions or international financial centers thus taking advantage of low or zero tax and double tax treaties. The beneficial ownership and business activities of the IBC in general lie outside the country of its registration.

In this respect Cyprus has many competitive advantages over other international financial centers, the most important of which can be summarized as follows:



Situated in the eastern Mediterranean at the cross-roads of three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa.


Greek, Turkish and English are the official languages. English is spoken by most population and is widely used in commercial and government sectors.

Accession to the European Union

Cyprus became a full member of the European Union on 1st May 2004 and joined the Euro Zone on 1st January 2008.

Economy and Infrastructure

The island has excellent telecommunications, air and port connections. There are two international airports in Larnaca and Paphos. Cyprus is a free enterprise economy and there are excellent banking facilities available with a number of onshore and offshore Banks.

International Business Center

Since the introduction of the “offshore” concept more than 30 years ago, Cyprus has firmly established itself as a reputable financial center. The low taxation, freedom of exchange controls, excellent telecommunication facilities, confidentiality and low services costs, as well as numerous other advantages, have brought Cyprus to the forefront of international financial centres. More than 40,000 international business companies are currently active on the island. A number of these operate from fully fledged offices on the island whereas others use local corporate service providers as their representatives.

Major Tax Advantages

-Net Profits of IBC’s are taxed at 10%, the lowest rate in the EU
-An IBC will pay zero tax if management and control is outside Cyprus
-Dividends, interest and royalties are paid gross without any withholding tax
-Dividend income is tax free when received by an IBC
-Profits from a permanent establishment abroad are tax free in Cyprus
-Profits from the sale of shares and other securities are tax free
-No capital gains tax payable in Cyprus from the disposal of immovable property situated abroad
-No exchange control restrictions
-Confidentiality and anonymity of beneficial owners is safeguarded

Other Inherent Advantages

-Geographical location
-A stable economy in a western – type economy
-Legal system based on English Law
-Excellent telecommunications and air connections
-Excellent banking facilities with worldwide networks
-High level of professional services at very reasonable costs
-Low cost of living
-Low crime level
-Excellent climate